Handy Tips to DIY Air Conditioning Maintenance

8 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Air conditioning units tend to be a mainstay in households. However, if not properly maintained, your air conditioning system's functionality will gradually decline. This will typically increase the frequency at which it requires a tune up from the professionals. In addition, an air conditioning system that is not functioning optimally may also increase your utility bills as it tries to overwork itself to compensate. To avoid all this, it is best to carry out regular air conditioning maintenance to keep it in good running condition. Take note that any maintenance being carried out should be done with the system turned off. Here are some handy tips that you could use for DIY air conditioning maintenance.

Keep the filters clean

One of the most overworked components of your air conditioning system is its filters. These filters work toward keeping pollutants out of the air that is being ventilated into the home. As such, they will trap a myriad of things ranging from dirt, debris, insects and more. Over time, these pollutants may start inhibiting the flow of air from the air conditioning system as the filters become clogged. Clogged filters usually make your air-conditioning system work harder in keeping your home ventilated and this could lead to an increase in your utility bills as the system uses up more power. The best way to keep this from happening is ensuring that the filters are cleaned regularly. One can do this by taking the filters out and cleaning them with a solution of detergent and water. Alternatively, if the filter is damaged, then it is advisable to get it replaced post haste.

Keep the vents clean

Just as the filters trap dirt and grime, the vents can also become filthy as dirt in the air gradually adheres to them. The dirtier the vents are, the higher the chances that allergens and pollutants are getting into the air that is being ventilated into your residence. In addition, clogged vents means the air conditioning system has to blow air harder for it to pass through. To clean your vents, start by using your vacuum's smallest attachment to suck out any surface dirt. Once done, take out the vent covers and wash them with a soapy solution. You could also use the smallest attachment of your vacuum to try to clean the hard-to-reach areas. Finish off by wiping the interior down and replacing the vent covers once they have dried. 
